dimanche 25 octobre 2009

Healthy Living in the Modern Era

Obesity, deadly diseases like heart failure and cancer, reduced life span—all of these have brought about a growing awareness on the importance of health in the life of every individual. And with more and more people today seeking to enjoy a healthy living and achieve overall well-being, the modern society is seeing a preoccupation with health-promising products—from health pills to diet programs.

Side by side all these developments in the area of health is the development of modern technologies designed to make life easier for many people. Almost all televisions, for instance, are already controlled by remote. And whereas you had to go to the market and cook your meals to enjoy good food in the past, all you have to do now is visit fast food chains and everything is already there—from soup to dessert. These are good, yes, but all these have also proven to have their share of health risks for many people, no wonder there are still a lot of individuals living an unhealthy life despite the clamor for good health.

Good Health Defined

So what should you do? Where should you position yourself amid all these? Well, when it comes to healthy living, there are some basic concepts you should remember. Here are three:

1. Good health is all about living a balanced life. It doesn’t revolve around losing weight alone. It’s not just all about getting your desired vital statistics or your desired body shape. Oftentimes, these are just but simple side effects when you strive toward living a healthy life. Good health involves a lot more. It’s all about your overall well-being: body, heart, mind, and spirit. The goal is to enjoy a longer life with no or less illness, and a full and a meaning one at that.
2. The primary components of good health are natural diet and exercise. When it comes to being healthy, the basic is still the best—fruits and vegetables, coupled with daily physical activities. Despite the growing popularity of artificial diet and the complexities of weight loss pills, nothing beats the original, all-natural way to getting your desired health. All you need is to eat more rawfoods and more green produce, plus a daily walk, and you’re on your way to a healthy life.
3. You can’t rush it. Achieving good health can’t be done like a miracle—it doesn’t come all at once. So, don’t push yourself too hard. Don’t be in a hurry. You have to work for it in a slow but steady process. Discipline and consistency are the key. Eat healthy meals. Curb your cravings for unhealthy foods. Exercise regularly. In time, you’ll get there and all your efforts won’t go to waste.

Pursuing a healthy life may seem like a huge and a daunting task when you’re just starting. And, it can also get confusing with all the various distracting advertisements and propaganda about health. But, by looking back to the basic of good health, by following the simple concepts above, it won’t be difficult to enjoy healthy living.

For the past 10 years Marilyn Reid has been active as an advocate for Alternative Health Therapies, with an emphasis on healthy living and raw food diets. Marilyn has been fascinated with the work of the Healthy Lifestyle Nutritionist and Guru, David Wolfe and has a blog which keeps up with the latest in the world of Healthy Lifestyles at http://HealthyFoodRawDiet.com